Althea Connetti
Alada’s Who Knows How High I Can Fly
Rosy Wings Just My Boy
Charlotte Clem McGowan
Rorralore Anjelica
Deborah Bordeau & Stephen Bordeau
Bordeaux’s Haven’t Met You Yet
Marcia Noble
Noble’s Born Free
Maxine J. Gurin & Joanne Paulino
Primavera Chanceux Goldielocks G.
Michele Chenevert
Primavera’s Vinyalonde
Sherry Duhigg
Brookfield’s Touch Of Flame
Charlotte Clem McGowan
CH Rorralore Foolproof
Christine Robichaud
CH Menine’s Kasperito
Kathleen Augaitis
CH Oak Ledge Comfort Starr
CH Oak Ledge Erin Go Bragh
Marcia Noble
CH Noble’s Fancy Free
Michele Chenevert
CH Chenevert’s Giovanni
Sherry Duhigg
CH Brookfield’s Touch Of Flame
Jo Edith Heffron
CH Winforme’s Some Like It Hot THD
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Althea Connetti and Joyce Haggett
Ch. Lavandaire Rush For The Gold
Maxine J. Gurin:
Ch. Primavera's Chuck Barkowski
Ch. Chenevert's Allouette of Brightwood
Charlotte McGowan:
Ch. Rorralore Heart of
Ch. Rorralore Faery Queene
Ch. Rorralore Chaconne
Ch. Loteki Live It Up
Susan C. Austin & Marie B Smith:
Ch Krystal Whiskey Sour
Carol Ann Le Blanc :
Camelots Connecticut GoGo Troy,
CD BN RE THD CGCA-Pre-Companion Dog
Carol Ann Le Blanc
Camelots Lady of the Lake CGC-Canine Good Citizen
2013 Members Awards
New Champions:
Althea Connetti:
CH Rosy Wing's Lady of Pistol
Althea Connetti and Inger Sorenson: CH Rosy Wing's Noble Niclas
Maxine J. Gurin :
CH Chanceux Primavera Pinky Tuscadero
Maxine J. Gurin and Shelly Chenevert:
CH Chenevert's Faux Paux
Charlotte Clem McGowan:
CH Rorralore Helio
CH Rorralore Caruso
Marcia Noble:
CH Noble's Scarlett Kiss
CH Deanna's Princess Fiona
Owen and Lee Olson and Nancy Duke:
CH Camelot's Sir Bedivere
Grand Champion
Marcia Noble:
CH Noble's Born Free
Silver Grand Champion
Linda Post:
GCH Acadia's Play it Again Sam
Bronze Grand Champion
Patricia A. Sherman:
CH Flying- Diamond Von Salarmandertal
2013 Members Awards
New Champions:
Althea Connetti:
CH Rosy Wing's Lady of Pistol
Althea Connetti and Inger Sorenson: CH Rosy Wing's Noble Niclas
Maxine J. Gurin :
CH Chanceux Primavera Pinky Tuscadero
Maxine J. Gurin and Shelly Chenevert:
CH Chenevert's Faux Paux
Charlotte Clem McGowan:
CH Rorralore Helio
CH Rorralore Caruso
Marcia Noble:
CH Noble's Scarlett Kiss
CH Deanna's Princess Fiona
Owen and Lee Olson and Nancy Duke:
CH Camelot's Sir Bedivere
Grand Champion
Marcia Noble:
CH Noble's Born Free
Silver Grand Champion
Linda Post:
GCH Acadia's Play it Again Sam
Bronze Grand Champion
Patricia A. Sherman:
CH Flying- Diamond Von Salarmandertal